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Thrupe Lane Swallet to receive CSCC Padlock

Following requests from concerned locals, a CSCC padlock will be fitted to the entrance gate of Thrupe Lane Swallet.

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9th June 2021

MCR: Invitation to Join Mendip Cave Rescue

From Mendip Cave Rescue

MCR has had to restructure itself and has reconstituted itself as a registered charity. With the new structure cavers who wish to continue supporting the MCR by being on the cavers call out list are invited to apply for associate membership …

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26th May 2021

CCC Ltd: Unauthorised Bolting of Rhino Right Hand Route

From Charterhouse Caving Company Ltd

At some point during the past six months, persons unknown have made an unauthorised attempt to rebolt the Rhino Rift Right-Hand Route.

This became known at the recent CSCC AGM and the route was inspected on Tuesday 18th May. Unfortunately, the work has been poorly executed using various types of expansion bolts. Some of these have not set properly and rotate within their holes. Some have been placed too close to the pre-existing spits, compromising the strength and safety of both the new and the original anchors. Where possible, all the nuts and hangers have been removed, although some could not be removed from some very poorly set bolts. Nothing could be done immediately about the dangerously placed ones and so this route should not be used until it can be fully rebolted by an approved installer using resin anchors …

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19th May 2021

CCC Ltd: WARNING - Rockfall in G.B. Cave - Update

From Charterhouse Caving Company Ltd


Following the rockfall notified and publicised in early February, a further inspection trip was scheduled for 6 April, following the relaxation of covid restrictions. On 5th April, a report was received of a further fall. The inspection trip comprised Linda Wilson (Conservation Officer), Dave King and Graham Price (CCC Directors). A large area of the side of the passage above the big steps on the left hand side (when travelling into the cave, heading downstream) has come away, resulting in a massive, unstable talus cone of boulders, large rocks, smaller shattered rocks and mud that now completely covers the steps almost to the base of the ledge in the middle of the climb. Boulders and large rocks are spread over a wide area in the passage below the climb …

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7th Apr 2021

Coronavirus Recovery Roadmap: Stage 1

Dear Southern Cavers,

It is with some relief that as from Monday 29th March that the national “stay at home” rule will end, and the long path to a return to something like normality can begin. This means that it is no longer illegal to leave home without a valid excuse, though the government asks that we all minimise the number of journeys we make. From Monday 29th it is also permitted for up to 6 people, or two households, to meet outdoors and for people to take part formally organised outdoor sports …

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28th Mar 2021

BCA: Covid Roadmap Update

Following the Government announcement for England in its Covid-19 Response Spring 2021 – the Roadmap out of Lockdown, BCA offers the following synopsis about how this may affect caving …

See the BCA Website ...

29th March 2021

BCRC: Guidance Should a Return to Underground Activity Become Available

BCRC have issued a press release on the coronavirus giving guidance should a return to underground activity become available …

See the BCRC Website ...

27th June 2020

Access to caves in Cheddar Gorge

Cheddar Caves Logo Further to the decision by Longleat to close the show caves and suspend their operations in Cheddar, they have notified CSCC that with immediate effect caver access to all caves on Longleat property which includes the whole south side of the Gorge, is no longer available. This includes all caves and digs, and affects sites such as Reservoir Hole, Spider Hole, Goughs Cave, Long Hole, Great Oones etc …

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11th Oct 2020

  • Last modified: 25 Jun 2021 10:53
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