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CSCC Dig Fest 2014

CSCC DigFest 2014 It's going to be awesome!

Ever fancied finding new cave? Now's your chance. The diggers of Mendip will be opening their digs for you to visit and have a go.

As well as digging there will be all kinds of other events, talks, films, BBQ & stomp.

Fri June 6th

  • From 19:30, Hunter's Lodge
    • Dig Matchmaker - sign up for the digs you want to visit.
      • Sites confirmed include
        • Longwood Valley Sink and Top Sink
        • Caine Hill
        • Blakes Farm
        • Rod's Pot
        • More to follow
    • Films & Videos
      • Bring your videos and we'll show them to the assembled throng.

Sat June 7th

  • Dig, dig, digging.
    • Meet digging teams and depart for caverns measureless.
  • Workshops @ Priddy Village Hall
  • Dig-o-meter
  • Bar
  • 17:30 - The Wessex Challenge (hosted by the BEC)
  • BBQ
  • Stomp
    • With celebrity DJ

Sun June 8th

  • Bacon Sarnies
  • Talks @ Long Room, Hunter's Lodge Inn
  • If diggers and digees are keen, more dig, dig, digging.
  • Closing Ceremony
    • Prizes & Digging Achievements
  • Last modified: 01 May 2014 18:31
  • by cookie