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Member Clubs

Caving is an exercise in teamwork. Many clubs have been around for years and in that time have built up a wealth of experience and expertise. Some of them offer libraries and accommodation of excellent value. If there is a club near you why not write to its secretary for details.

Ashford Speleological Society Avon Scouts Caving Section Axbridge Caving Group Bracknell & District Caving Club Bristol Exploration Club Cave Diving Group - Welsh section Cerberus Spelaeological Society Cheddar Caving Club Cotham Caving Group Cotham Speleological Society East Sussex Scouts Caving Team Education in the Environment Caving Club Essex County Scout Caving Team Exeter University Speleological Society Frome Caving Group Glasgow University Potholing Association Gosport Caving Club Greater London South Caving Committee Hades Caving Club Hampshire Scouts Caving Club Hewlett Packard Caving Club Kent University Caving Club Mendip Caving Group Mendip Nature Research Committee Moles Caving Club Newbury and District Caving Club SCG Shepton Mallet Caving Club Shropshire Scouts RCC South Bristol Speleological Society South Wales Caving Club Southsea Spelæological Society Surrey Scout Caving Group Taunton Caving Club Toby Caving Club University of Bristol Spel&aeological Society University of Portsmouth Caving Club Wealden Cave and Mine Society Wessex Cave Club Wimps and Y Anchors CC inc. ISG Yorkshire Subterranean Society Young Bristol

  • Last modified: 27 Dec 2008 02:07
  • (external edit)