Table of Contents


Chair: David Cooke

Secretary: Frank Tully

Treasurer (inc. Membership): Tom Harrison

Conservation & Access: Wayne

Equipment & Techniques: Andrew Atkinson.

Training: Dave Keegan.

BCA Rep: Linda Wilson.

Communications Officer: Peter Burgess.

Webmaster: David Cooke

Officer Role Descriptions

CSCC Chair Role Description

Role Requirements

The CSCC Chair is the external figurehead of the CSCC and provides leadership for the other officers and members. To carry out this role effectively, the chair must:

Commitment Required

CSCC Secretary Role Description

Role Requirements

The secretary primarily records the proceedings of CSCC. To carry out this role effectively, the secretary must:

Commitment Required

CSCC Treasurer Role Description

Role Requirements

The CSCC Treasurer looks after the financial interests of the CSCC. The Treasure also administers membership. To carry out this role effectively, the treasurer must:

Commitment Required

CSCC Conservation & Access Officer Role Description

Role Requirements

The Conservation and Access Officer’s primary role is to act on behalf of CSCC and member clubs and individuals regarding any matters relating to conservation and access to caves within the CSCC area. Conservation should always be the prime consideration when dealing with access issues. Cave(s) is/are taken to include mine(s) and other underground sites of interest to cavers. To carry out this role effectively, the Conservation and Access Officer must:

Commitment Required

CSCC Equipment & Techniques Officer Role Description

Role Requirements

The role of the Equipment and Techniques Officer is oversee the installation and maintenance of the numerous items of fixed equipment in the CSCC area. CSCC maintains these for caver safety and to facilitate trips that would otherwise be more difficult. Most of this equipment is anchors. To carry out this role effectively the Equipment and Techniques Officer must:

Commitment Required

CSCC Webmaster Role Description

Role Requirements

The role of the Webmaster is to maintain and develop the information technology and communication (ITC) requirements of CSCC.

ITC has largely replaced printed media as the means of communicating the work of the CSCC to its members and the wider caving community. ITC is the primary means of recording the work of the CSCC, providing curated sets of documents and information available to the caving community, Club Reps. and Officers. To carry out this role effectively the Webmaster must:

Commitment Required

CSCC BCA Representative Role Description

Role Requirements

The role of the BCA representative is to represent the views and interest of the Council of Southern Caving Clubs on BCA Council. To carry out this role effectively, the representative must:

Commitment Required

CSCC Training Officer Role Description

Role Requirements

The role of the CSCC Training Officer is primarily to organise training events on behalf of CSCC. To carry out this role effectively, the Training Officer must:

Commitment Required

CSCC Communications Officer Role Description

Role Requirements

The communications officer is responsible for ensuring effective and engaging communications between CSCC and its members and CSCC and the wider caving community. To do this the Communications officer must:

Commitment Required