/* NB These commands need to be at the beginning of the page. They help external sites (Facebook, Google, etc) to understand this page better. */ /* If you wish you can edit the title or description, add to the keywords (search terms) or change the image. */ /* Only edit the bit between the ( ) brackets. */ /* The image should be 150 pixels wide to work nicely with Facebook. */ {{htmlmetatags> metatag-robots=(index, follow) metatag-og:type=(Website) metatag-keywords=(caves, caving, potholing, cscc) metatag-og:title=(Waterwheel Swallet Closed) metatag-media-og:image=(:logo-2021.png) metatag-og:description=(Waterwheel closed following being broken into and the gate vandalised.) }} {{tag>news access waterwheel_swallet}} ~~META: date created = 2022-01-02 ~~ ====== Waterwheel Swallet Closed ====== Waterwheel has recently been broken into and the gate vandalised. The gate has been removed for repair/replacement and the entrance has been secured with a non-removable grill. Everyone will appreciate that it is not possible to leave the entrance unsecured due to the caves high profile location on a popular nature reserve. Repairs to the gate will be carried out as soon as possible. Until the gate is replaced the cave is not available for trips. If anyone has any information on the persons responsible or would like further information, please contact me. Information on access requirements for Mendip caves can be found in the [[https://access-guide.cscc.org.uk/|Access Guide]] on the CSCC website. Graham Price\\ Conservation & Access Officer\\ [[canda@cscc.org.uk]]\\ 2nd January 2022 ---- See also:\\ [[https://access-guide.cscc.org.uk/sites/view/155|CSCC Access Guide - Waterwheel Swallet]]