/* NB These commands need to be at the beginning of the page. They help external sites (Facebook, Google, etc) to understand this page better. */ /* If you wish you can edit the title or description, add to the keywords (search terms) or change the image. */ /* Only edit the bit between the ( ) brackets. */ /* The image should be 150 pixels wide to work nicely with Facebook. */ {{htmlmetatags> metatag-robots=(index, follow) metatag-og:type=(Website) metatag-keywords=(caves, caving, potholing, cscc) metatag-og:title=(Council of Southern Caving Clubs) metatag-media-og:image=(:logo-2021.png) metatag-og:description=(Coronavirus lockdown update re cave access.) }} {{tag>news access covid}} ~~META: date created = 2020-10-25 ~~ ====== Coronavirus Lockdown Update ====== As far as CSCC is aware, all caves closed as a result of the coronavirus lockdown are now open. Restrictions may apply to some caves whilst the virus is still prevalent in the community and it is important to respect the wishes of landowners in this regard. Access requirements for specific sites can be found in the [[https://access-guide.cscc.org.uk|CSCC Access Guide]]. If anyone is aware of any updates, please notify me. [[access.guide@cscc.org.uk|Graham Price]]\\ Conservation & Access Officer\\ 25th Oct 2020