/* NB These commands need to be at the beginning of the page. They help external sites (Facebook, Google, etc) to understand this page better. */ /* If you wish you can edit the title or description, add to the keywords (search terms) or change the image. */ /* Only edit the bit between the ( ) brackets. */ /* The image should be 150 pixels wide to work nicely with Facebook. */ {{htmlmetatags> metatag-robots=(index, follow) metatag-og:type=(Website) metatag-keywords=(caves, caving, potholing, cscc) metatag-og:title=(Council of Southern Caving Clubs) metatag-media-og:image=(:logo-2021.png) metatag-og:description=(The CSCC Access Guide software has been completely re-written.) }} {{tag>news access webmaster}} ~~META: date created = 2020-06-27 ~~ ====== Access Guide Software Update ====== The software that provides the [[https://access-guide.cscc.org.uk|CSCC Access Guide]] has been completely re-written. The new user interface is designed to make it easier to search the information. A new and hopefully useful feature is that the most recent updates can be found by sorting the "Last Modified" column by clicking on the heading. Any feedback is welcome to [[webmaster@cscc.org.uk]] David Cooke\\ CSCC Webmaster\\ 27th Jun 2020