/* NB These commands need to be at the beginning of the page. They help external sites (Facebook, Google, etc) to understand this page better. */ /* If you wish you can edit the title or description, add to the keywords (search terms) or change the image. */ /* Only edit the bit between the ( ) brackets. */ /* The image should be 150 pixels wide to work nicely with Facebook. */ {{htmlmetatags> metatag-robots=(index, follow) metatag-og:type=(Website) metatag-keywords=(caves, caving, potholing, cscc) metatag-og:title=(Council of Southern Caving Clubs) metatag-media-og:image=(:logo-2021.png) metatag-og:description=(The Council of Southern Caving Clubs is an association of Caving Clubs whose main interests lie in the Mendip Hills of Somerset.) }} /* Eg {{tag>news event access gb_cave ccc_ltd}} */ /* Date created meta only needed if different from today. NB don't concatenate to a single line. ~~META: date created = 2021-01-01 ~~ */ ====== GB Cavern Devil's Elbow Route ====== There has been a {{:equipment:devilselbowroutanchorrequet.pdf|request placed}} for the anchors to be (re)placed on the Fourth Pitch The request will be considered at the February '25 CSCC meeting. === Report to the February 2025 meeting by Andrew Atkinson === The stalagmite column that is currently used is worn to a large extent. At some point it will become too weak and not be able to hold the load. This point is impossible to determine, the current state does not look good. I would advice that this proposal be accepted. Subject to a more detailed site examination I believe anchors in a pull through configuration should be possible.